
Groceries were shopped for. The house was not cleaned nor were fallen leaves mulched. BUT, Goodwill was visited successfully (but then, one can always find something at Goodwill) and Sweetie was given a bath this afternoon, as well. She wasn’t very happy but she didn’t really fight it and neither was there any bloodletting. she smells quite a bit better now so we might start letting her upstairs a bit here and there. as soon as we get her and Ollie acclimated w/ each other, then we can bring black cat in (whose name is now Shadow) as well. Just a regular zoo, we are.

I love the fall foliage of gingko trees. One really can’t find quite that type of yellow in any other trees, like pools of bright glowing gold at the base of the tree trunks.

And finally, do you think that the government can, should or ought to legislate morality?  Just a lightweight question for your cognitive powers to investigate…