WHAT Problem?

I think you know how I feel about this



and that’s just the past couple days.

Oh, you say, but guns don’t kill people, people do.

Here’s a thought: since it isn’t possible, sad to say, in some cases, to get rid of people, what about getting rid of the guns, then? 

sure, there’s still knives, clubs, rocks, poison, you name it, but I betcha that pregnant mom might have at least had a fighting chance against a knife-wielding 11-year old.


Alledgedly, Freecycle is awesome. You can get free stuff and you can give away all the crap nice things you don’t want cluttering up your house anymore.

Personally, I haven’t had a lot of luck with Freecycle.  I’ve offloaded given away some crap nice things, but for the most part either a) no one responds, or b) they respond but never come get it.

I have had someone write to say they would like it but can’t pick it up…*pregnant pause*, thereby insinuating that not only should I bestow my crap bounty on them, I should also give them door-to-door delivery service as well.

I have even had people take the time to write and tell me thanks, but they don’t need that right now.


And then, the subjects that are in the Re box are often hilarious on their own.  Quite often they involve the word “desperate”.

Now I equate desperate with needing an emergency kidney transplant or having recently suffered from a house fire or going-to-be-evicted-tomorrow-if-XXX-doesn’t-happen.

But today’s winner was:

“Desperately seeking queen mattress and box springs”

Someone is DESPERATE for a mattress and box springs. What?  The world will grind to a screeching halt if they have to sleep on the sofa tonight?  They will be forced to rob a bank to get money to support their harrowing Queen Mattress and Box Springs need?  Kittens will slaughtered by the masses unless a queen mattress and box springs are taken possession of immediately?

Call me crazy, but needing a mattress does not rank right up there as a desperate situation.

Ah, Freecycle; the Land of the Free and Home of the Desperate.

Salma Hyack Gains a New Fan

I don’t really know much about Salma Hyack except that she is in the movie industry but I’ll tell you straight out that all those people raising their eyebrows and tut-tutting about her breastfeeding another woman’s starving child need to readjust their priorities.

La Leche League does not make recommendations about cross-nursing because of the potential risk of infection, decrease of supply for the donor’s child and the differing compositions of milk as the donor’s child ages.


A starving infant?  You have a ready food source and not only a ready one, one perfectly tailored to the needs of a young homo sapien?  What would YOU do?

Frankly, it’s a no-brainer and Mrs Fussy Crankypants recommends that all the critics just shut up already.

Or go out and look into the eyes of a malnourished child.

Mrs Fussy Crankypants salutes Salma.

Sunday Edition, Konglish Style

tiney seeds by you.

My Celestyal Dayrliyng.

The Fussy Crankypants Consider the Next Move

The Fussy Crankypants, like certain stones, cannot really be said to be gathering moss.

e_WADay4_20 by you.

This is moss. A lot of it.

The Fussys have been married, oh, a number of years now, and in those years they have moved 6 times, which does not include changing houses. Two of those moves were overseas and involved moves within the move, so to speak, themselves.

The longest the Fussys have stayed in any one place is exactly 3.5 years, which is how long they have been, fussily funnily enough, in their current fair city.

The Fussys enjoy their city. They like the hills. They like their little town and the places they walk. They like their little house, which is delightful in its own small way, such as the unevenly heating rooms or the steep stairs their Tiny Tyrant is just yearning to explore freely and with freedom or the emergency vehicles that frequently whiz by, no holds barred.  Mrs FC particularly likes her garden. And she likes the people she has met and hung out with here.

But the Fussys, sad to say it, have no friends.  At the very best, the Fussys could be said to be reserved. They could also said to be lacking the energy it takes to go out and make new friends (see: Tiny Tyrant, one; prodigious pwers of not sleeping, many).

The Fussys have many friends from their undergrad years who live not 2 hours north of them.

The Fussys are tempted.

The Fussys are contemplating.

The Fussys are contemplating giving up a steady job with good benefits, a nice house w/ garden in a quiet, safe community from which they can walk many, many places in order to pack up all their BOOKS and other things (and by things, Mrs Fussy means all the tonnage of items she has collected here and there and CANNOT POSSIBLY BEAR to part with), paint and polish and clean, and care for the Tiny Tyrant all the while and move perhaps not once but twice before settling in a place that they don’t really know much about assuming Mr FC can actually get employment and all because

they have friends up there.

Really nice ones who hang out with them because they feel sorry for the Fussys and their social ineptness.  

Mrs Fussy Crankypants is up and down about this but if there is one thing that Mrs FC has learned in all her years of being a relative vagabond it is that there is nothing certain in life and you can pretty much choose your own destiny (w/in certain parameters, that is) and if you don’t try, you’ll never know how it could have been.

And also? 


Packing is one royal pain in the patootey.

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